Awards and Recognition

Waqf Company Aims For Sustainability in Muslim Community Globally

Waqaf An Nur Corporation Berhad acts as a recipient, manager, and administrator of waqf properties. The establishment initiative of Waqaf An-Nur is through Johor Corporation to manage the assets and shares of companies within the Johor Corporation Group that have been waqf. Waqaf An-Nur acts as the Mauquf ‘Alaihi for shares and other forms of securities of these business companies.

Initially, Waqaf An-Nur operated specifically under the name Pengurusan Klinik Waqaf An-Nur Berhad starting on October 25, 2000. At that time, it was established solely to manage waqf clinics and dialysis centers under Johor Corporation with operations carried out by KPJ Healthcare Berhad. Subsequently, the company’s name was changed to Kumpulan Waqaf An-Nur Berhad on July 19, 2005, and Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad on May 21, 2009.

Waqaf An Nur Corporation, Waqf Company Aims For Sustainability in  Muslim Community Globally
Waqaf An Nur Corporation Berhad received the award presented by Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan, Deputy Minister of Works, alongside Professor (Adj) UTHM Hj Adam Richman, Head Committee of IDEA Award 2023

In striving to elevate the economy of the Muslim community in general, especially in gathering and increasing the value of assets and investments, Waqaf An-Nur contributes its benefits to the community regardless of race, religion, and ethnicity for the purpose of nation-building through spiritual and religious, socioeconomic, compassionate, and community welfare aspects.

“Every company will not escape challenges. Providing exposure and public acceptance to engage in waqf is one of the challenges faced. Additionally, Waqaf An-Nur needs to create various ways and products for waqf to facilitate the process of the public waqf with Waqaf An-Nur, including collaboration with strategic partners,” said YBrs. Tuan Haji Bukhari, Chief Executive of Wakaf An-Nur.

Waqaf An Nur Receives Islamic Distinguished Entrpreneur Award 2023 (IDEA Award 2023)

“We are grateful to Allah S.W.T. for the recognition for elevating the value and dignity of waqf to a new dimension and hope to further develop waqf instruments in Malaysia and create more waqifs so that the benefits of waqf can be enjoyed by all layers of society, especially those in need,” he said on receiving the IDEA Award 2023.

Waqaf An Nur Corporation, Waqf Company Aims For Sustainability in  Muslim Community Globally

Waqaf An-Nur aims to become a sustainable, and professional waqf institution to empower the global Muslim economy. Furthermore, they aim to develop waqf institutions professionally by using innovative approaches, building businesses, managing strategic asset resources productively, and enriching the welfare of future generations through waqf benefits.

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