
This Business Thrives Rapidly After Obtaining Halal Certification

In the city of Semarang, the culinary industry is thriving. Many residences have been transformed into restaurants serving a range of foods. These places are known by a variety of names, including Angkringan, Resto, Rumah Makan, Warung, Burjo, Kafe, Kedai, and others.

Kedai Aisyah, located in Semarang, Indonesia, is one of the “kedai” places. Currently, its business is expanding rapidly, as all menu items have received halal certification from the Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency (BPJPH). According to the Deputy Chair of the Organization Department of the Central Java Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Halal certification is believed to be the trigger for an increase in the number of customers, reaching up to 30 percent.

“The attainment of this halal certificate makes us feel secure and grateful. We have fulfilled the obligation to obtain halal certification. We have noticed that since obtaining the halal certificate four months ago, Kedai Aisyah has gained more customers, both those who dine in and those who order delivery. They have more trust in Kedai Aisyah,” said the owner, H Isdiyanto Isman.

The halal certificate serves as proof of recognition of the halal status of a product by BPJPH after the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) at the provincial or district/city level issues a written halal fatwa and declares the product’s halal status.

“The authority of MUI is to determine the halal status of products through a halal fatwa session, as a fulfillment of the religious legal aspect. Meanwhile, BPJPH is responsible for issuing MUI’s halal certificate as an administrative form of the religious law into state law,” says Isdiyanto, who is also the Chairman of the Information and Communication Commission of MUI Central Java.

Customers dining at Kedai Aisyah (Image: krjogja)

Kedai Aisyah, a culinary business established on December 11, 2006, has become more comfortable for culinary activities, with a serene and relaxed atmosphere for customers. The establishment can accommodate 80 people and is equipped with a prayer room, toilets, and a well-maintained environment. Aisyah Chusnul Jurnalita, SM, the manager, explains that the menu at Kedai Aisyah is diverse, all with high and hygienic flavors. The main ingredients include fresh live fish such as gourami, eel, and catfish, as well as frozen seafood like shrimp, squid, carp, and tilapia. There are also cuts of male and local chicken, tofu tempe, and a variety of vegetables always available.

The spices and supporting ingredients used by Kedai are guaranteed to be of the highest quality to ensure the taste and health of consumers. The most popular herbal drink at Kedai Aisyah is made from highly beneficial herbal ingredients such as ginger, lemongrass, lime, and selected fruit juices. Due to its quality consistency, the majority of customers express satisfaction with the service and dishes at Kedai Aisyah. Many testimonials state, “Kedai Aisyah’s food is delicious, very tasty, and excellent.”—Panji Nasional

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