
How to Lead with Confidence, Even When You Feel Uncertain

Confident leaders aren’t developed overnight. What’s important is that you are able to still lead despite feeling lacking

Stepping into a leadership role can be daunting, especially if you are inexperienced or lack self-confidence. However, leadership is not solely defined by a steady sense of confidence. By focusing on specific strategies, you can effectively lead your team and grow into the role with time and experience.

Leading with confidence: What is it made of?

Confidence is about more than just feeling good about yourself. It includes valuing who you are, believing you can handle tasks, and trusting your own decisions. To lead with confidence, step out of your comfort zone, set small, achievable goals, and celebrate your wins along the way. Having supportive friends and mentors can also give you a confidence boost. Confidence grows day by day as you gain experience and learn from setbacks.

Embrace continuous learning

To lead with confidence as a leader, making a habit of continuous learning can build it. This could mean reading books, attending workshops, or finding mentors who can offer guidance. The more you learn and grow, the more prepared you’ll feel to handle leadership challenges.

Leverage your team’s strengths

Leadership isn’t about doing everything yourself. Take advantage of your team’s individual strengths by delegating tasks accordingly. This not only makes your team more efficient but also lets you concentrate on making strategic decisions. By working together and showing trust in your team, you reinforce your ability to lead effectively.

Cultivate emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is critical for effective leadership. It involves understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as recognizing and influencing the emotions of others. A study found that people with higher emotional intelligence handle stress better, which helps them perform well even under pressure. It also helps you communicate more effectively, and resolve conflicts amicably. Developing this skill will enhance your ability to lead with empathy and resilience, even in challenging situations.

Figure out your own leadership strengths

According to the book Confidence Unleashed: Embracing Your Inner Strength, discovering your own strength helps with confidence. The book emphasizes that understanding and embracing your inner strength allows you to recognize your inherent capabilities and talents. Find out who you are, such as by starting with your core values, passions, and purpose. This can often be done through journaling or meditation. This helps you recognize your own leadership strengths and weaknesses. After recognizing both of them, embrace and accept your imperfections. As a result, you will have greater self-compassion and confidence.


The key is to lead with confidence anyway, even if you don’t feel confident in your new leadership role. Remember that confidence can be built over time. Also, it will not happen overnight, and it can take a lot of patience. Sometimes, you just have to face and tackle situations, which can help you grow. By embracing continuous learning, leveraging your team’s strengths, and cultivating emotional intelligence, you can become a successful leader. Being a leader may be challenging, but with perseverance and the right strategies, you can successfully lead your team.

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