
Magnetic Leadership: How to Be a Leader with the Energy That Engages People?

A magnetic leader who recognizes the importance of people will drive significant productivity

Leaders are known to have the biggest impact on the people around them. Most successful companies that you see out there, such as Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, know this.

According to the book of The Magnetic Leader: How Irresistible Leaders Attract Employees, Customers, and Profits, these companies all have one thing in common. They want to achieve a desired state of magnetism, a brand that naturally attracts people.

Therefore, leaders serve as an important role to make people are drawn to the company. Their energy, influence, and actions set the tone for how others engage, collaborate, and thrive.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the energy you want to attract.” Leaders who exhibit magnetic energy inspire those around them to engage on a deeper level. Their presence can motivate others to take action, build trust, and drive success together.

To start, leaders should also be engaged with themselves

To create an environment where people are drawn to engage, leaders need to be fully engaged themselves—not just with their teams, but with customers, stakeholders, and the broader vision of the organization. When leaders show genuine interest in people, actively communicate, and foster collaboration, they naturally draw in the energy and support of those around them.

How leaders are engaged with themselves?

Let’s be real. You cannot bring joy to others without being in a state of joy either. However, leaders who engage with themselves don’t mean they need to be constantly upbeat. When leaders are engaged with themselves, they are more likely to be in touch with their emotions.

This is why they could handle stressful situations in a calm manner. Additionally, they are able to take care of their emotional and physical well-being really well.

They also have their own value, which makes them who they are. For instance, leaders who value humility will lead with empathy and an open mind. When they face challenges, they would not refuse to learn and are more willing to be open to new ideas.

This quality positively impacts their organization, as humility fosters a culture of continuous improvement. A humble leader’s willingness to adapt and change for the better helps the business grow and evolve.

All of these actions require self-awareness. Without it, leaders become stagnant, acting mindlessly without considering their own well-being or the impact they have on others.

Self-awareness is essential for growth and intentional leadership, enabling leaders to reflect, adapt, and lead with purpose. Without it, they risk falling into routines that lack empathy, foresight, and engagement with their teams and themselves.

Leaders with positive energy will also attract positive energy

Irresistible leadership is the magnetic leadership described in the book. Leaders who radiate an aura of positive energy will naturally attract people towards them. Magnetic leaders display traits that make them approachable, inspiring, and effective at creating engagement.

Some of these traits include:

  • Authenticity: Being genuine in their intentions and actions.
  • Selflessness: Understanding and serving the needs of their people.
  • Vision: Clearly communicating the direction and purpose of the team.

Magnetic leaders will have people lining up to be under their leadership, resulting in teams that are more committed and exhibit a healthy level of productivity.

Not only that, it is also easier for them to attract top talent. The book also states that when you work alongside a leader who thinks big, you will also adopt a similar mindset. As a result, innovation develops well, and new ideas are generated, bringing profits to organizations.


Magnetic leadership is an approach that can significantly enhance organizational culture and success. With positive energy, authenticity, and self-awareness, leaders can create an engaging environment that attracts and retains talent while inspiring teams to excel. The key lies in connecting with others on a deeper level to build trust and collaboration. As leaders want to be the energy they wish to attract, this approach can make them irresistible leaders that can drive their organizations toward innovation and sustained success.

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