Business Strategy and PlanningEntrepreneurs

Personal Brands Have Higher Trust. Here are Some Simple Ways Brands Can Gain It

The more human a brand is, the more likely it is to gain higher trust, and this is especially true for personal brands

Personal brands have higher trust due to the way they consistently prove their value and have a strong credibility that makes people trust them more. Consumers do not just buy from the brands just because they find the product attractive and meet their needs. According to a study, a majority of 81% of consumers need to trust a brand before buying from it.

Unlike typical businesses that often hide behind corporate façades, they are often vulnerable in sharing about their own journey. By being genuine and transparent, they gained credibility, which makes people trust them more.

Here are some simple ways personal brands gain trust from their potential consumers:

1. They prove to be real people

When we talk about personal brands, it’s clear that there are real people behind them. You can see this in how they communicate their messages. There’s a personal touch that reflects their individuality and authenticity. Since we can recognize there is a real person behind the brand, it is easier to connect on a personal level. Their genuine thoughts and experiences that they share through storytelling make them more relatable and approachable. This creates a connection that makes people trust the brand.

2) They make connections and engage directly with audience

Brands that have a strong connection with their audience know to join in conversations with others, answer questions and engage their audience. Connections can be made through sharing personal stories or experiences; this makes the audience feel more emotionally connected. This bond that is built creates trust. However, while delivering brand messages through contents is important, engaging the audience directly should be a top priority. This could include things such as doing live Q&A sessions, sending email for direct feedback, or doing contests or giveaways. Through engaging directly, brands can understand their audience and gain their trust more effectively.

3) They become thought leaders

Audiences trust brands that demonstrate a deep knowledge of their products and services. These brands focus on providing value through insightful content rather than solely chasing profits, which helps to build genuine trust and credibility over time. For instance, Y.O.U, a global halal Indonesian skincare brand, consistently shares educational content about benefits of their formulations, and skincare routine tips tailored for different skin types.

While it’s important for brands to establish themselves as thought leaders, this doesn’t mean they need to educate their audience every single day. Over-educating can lead to content fatigue and may not yield a strong return on investment (ROI). Instead, brands that are thought leaders balance this approach by focusing on delivering eye-catching and high-quality contents that match their needs and interests.

4) They are consistently present but strategic at the same time

The more often people see you, the more familiar you become. Over time, it will build trust since you demonstrate effort in showing up. According to psychology, this is called the exposure effect. People are more likely to choose or prefer things they are familiar with, even if they don’t consciously realize it. It can be a person, brand, idea or product.

By consistently showing up, just 5 to 7 impressions can help people remember a brand. However, it should be done strategically. This includes engaging your audience with valuable, authentic contents. that reflects your brand voice and expertise while actively fostering two-way communication to build trust.


Personal brands build stronger trust with consumers by being transparent, authentic, and engaging strategically. By sharing real stories, they create connections that resonate with people. Showing expertise through valuable insights boosts their credibility even more. Consistently showing up also helps the audience become familiar with the brand, making it easier to recognize and trust. Altogether, these approaches help break down skepticism and encourage confidence, ultimately inspiring people to trust and engage with the brand.

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