Business Strategy and Planning

Gen Z Doesn’t Chase, But Attracts Brands. Here’s How to Reach Them

This new generation prioritizes authentic, quality products over brand loyalty

Gen Z holds immense power in shaping brand perceptions. They don’t chase brands; brands must attract them. They are known to be pretty selective about the things that they spend money on. They are not enticed by price but rather by what is offered that matches their own expectations.

What’s the reason that Gen Z no longer seeks out brands?

They seek authentic contents

Gen Z has trust issues with what they see online. They want real, honest reviews and products that work. Brands who are real and transparent on who they are will win Gen Z’s heart. This year, there has also been a trend that they are deinfluencing, meaning that

They want high-quality products

Quality is a top factor for Gen Z. Videeo confirmed that over 60% of them said that it was important for them to make a purchase. Rather than seeking a cheaper price, they are looking for affordable products or services that match the quality. Due to this, they are seen as a generation that is intentional about shopping.

How can brands find their way to these Gen Zers?

It might sound surprising, but many customers, especially Gen Z, do not seek out brands specifically. Instead, they prioritize products that offer good value for their money over brand loyalty. So, how can the brands find them?

Social media algorithms

When brands make high-quality and engaging content, they will be able to reach Gen Z audiences. Vibrant content that is appealing and relatable is more likely to get them interested. Basically, since Gen Z doesn’t look out for brands, they could leverage social media platforms.

Preference in suggested products

According to the GWI Core report, there is a decline in search engines but an increase in the use of social media for brand and product discovery. This is due to Gen Z being heavy on seeking out expert opinions on the Reddit platform. On Reddit, brands can reach Gen Z by participating in relevant subreddits, creating engaging posts, and using targeted ads. They can leverage trending topics to stay relevant and visible. They could also reach them through influencer collaborations.

Since Gen Z loves to discover their own identity, suggesting products that match their preferences can capture their interest. For example, personal color analysis is a popular trend on social media in 2024. When brands offer products that align with an individual’s personal color palette, Gen Z consumers are more likely to be interested in buying those products or services. Hence, to meet the needs of Gen Z, brands should offer personalized product suggestions that align with individual preferences.


Reaching Gen Z requires a significant shift in how brands approach their marketing strategies. This generation values authenticity, quality, and personalized experiences over traditional brand loyalty. By prioritizing transparency and engaging with Gen Z through high-quality content on social media, brands can successfully attract their attention. Also, brands that adapt to their preferences and leverage innovative strategies will capture their interest and make lasting connections.

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