
Thinking to Be a Better Leader? First, You Need to Sleep

Prioritizing quality rest can make leaders more effective

Have you ever considered how a good night’s sleep can make you to be a better leader and enhance your leadership skills? While we often hear that sleep is essential for our well-being, its impact on effective leadership is frequently overlooked.

How Can You Be a Good Leader by Sleeping?

If you’re looking to improve your leadership skills, one simple yet powerful tool is often overlooked: sleep. Contrary to the saying “sleeping won’t solve your problems,” getting adequate rest can significantly enhance your leadership abilities. Why? Because quality sleep helps you become a better, more effective person.

Here are the benefits of getting an adequate amount of sleep::

Improve emotional intelligence

According to a Chief Psychologist, leaders with emotional intelligence are more attuned to their team members’ emotions and can empathize better. This ability helps build stronger relationships, as well as create a supportive work environment. Good rest enables leaders to handle stress effectively, making better decisions for their team. Ultimately, to be a better leader, prioritizing sleep can create a more positive and productive workplace.

Able to think critically and make better decisions

Leaders who are well-rested are often more adept at thinking critically and making better decisions. Meanwhile, those who do not get sufficient sleep in a week can quickly experience a slowdown in their ability to think, according to research. Adequate sleep enhances cognitive abilities, including memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity. This allows them to approach challenges with a clear and focused mind. As a result, they can think critically and quickly to solve complex situations more effectively. This can also foster innovation within their teams.

Can empower others

Leaders who get enough sleep are more effective in supporting their teams. They offer better guidance, encouragement, and helpful feedback, creating a positive and collaborative work atmosphere. When leaders model good sleep habits, they help foster a culture that values rest and well-being. This, in turn, encourages everyone to prioritize sleep and self-care, leading to a healthier and more productive team.

More productive with faster reaction times

Productive leaders can get more things done because they take rest seriously. Research shows that accumulating sleep debt slows down reaction times. In simple terms, if a person doesn’t get enough sleep, it takes them longer to respond to things. In this fast-paced business world, quick reactions help leaders stay productive and manage crises effectively. By acting swiftly, they can mitigate risks and ensure problems are resolved quickly.

Sleep-deprived Leader: The Impact

Leaders who are getting enough sleep are less likely to experience irritations during the day. This can impact the mood of the people around them, especially those who are working closely. Research shows that leaders with positive emotions are more likely to have happier teams. Meanwhile, teams with sleep-deprived leaders experience the opposite. Thus, if leaders don’t want their teams to be impacted, they should be taking sleep seriously. This would not only improve relationships with others, but also enhance their own well-being.

How can I sleep well every day as a leader?

Before preparing yourself to get a good quality of sleep, it is important for leaders to manage their time well. Without it, you might even be thinking of your work or life problems that prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. After preparing for tomorrow, start with sleep hygiene practices.

To improve sleep hygiene, experts and research recommend the following simple practices:

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.
  2. Have a relaxing bedtime routine (e.g., reading, meditating, music therapy)
  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle (e.g., eat healthy and exercise early in the day)
  4. Avoid daytime naps, especially if you have a Lion chronotype
  5. Make the bedroom comfortable by making it cool, dark, quiet and only for relax and sleep
  6. Manage stress level
  7. Expose yourself to morning sunlight

By practicing good sleep hygiene, leaders can improve both their personal and professional life. If you prioritize sleep, then your desire to be a better leader is just one step away.


Prioritizing sleep is a simple yet powerful way to be a better leader. By getting adequate rest, leaders can improve their emotional intelligence, decision-making abilities, and overall productivity. Remember, a well-rested leader is a better leader, so make sleep a priority and watch your leadership skills soar.

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